
Attack Replay

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Empower your developers and ease remediation with Attack Replay

Attack Replay allows your developers to confirm a vulnerability on their own without needing to run a scan. Sometimes providing a static report isn’t enough to prove a vulnerability exists—developers need an easy way to reproduce an issue. Enter Attack Replay. After developers have implemented a fix for the vulnerability, they can immediately test their work, thus helping them to quickly close out their tickets and simultaneously reduce application security risk.

Reduce friction between security and development

Security and development teams don't always see eye to eye when it comes to security bugs. Development, having to balance other priorities, might be skeptical of vulnerability reports and the validity of the issues listed within them. With InsightAppSec's Attack Replay feature, developers can validate vulnerabilities directly from the report by replaying the recorded HTTP traffic used to identify them.

Save time and empower development with the tools they need

Once a developer has researched a security bug and created a source code patch, confirming remediation of the vulnerability typically requires an additional scan of the patched version. With Attack Replay, developers don't need to wait on the security team to run another validation scan; instead, they can confirm the fix on their own by replaying the original attack traffic against their patch.

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